Salman Khan didn’t hold back when it came to teaching Kartik Aaryan the art of striking a pose on the red carpet of the Gadar 2 success party. This Saturday night, the Tiger 3 star graced the Gadar 2 bash, sporting a stylish black shirt paired with denim pants. While Salman initially posed for some solo shots, he was soon joined by Kartik Aaryan, who sported a mustard-colored shirt and black pants. Together, they struck a pose for the cameras. However, it appeared that Salman wasn’t entirely pleased with Kartik’s pose.

In a video that has since gone viral, Salman can be seen giving Kartik a quick lesson in how to exude confidence with a powerful pose. Kartik followed Salman’s guidance and attempted to recreate the pose but ended up breaking into splits, leaving Salman with a smile on his face.

Star-Studded Affair

Salman Khan was not the only superstar in attendance. The red carpet also saw appearances by Shah Rukh Khan and Aamir Khan, although they arrived at different times during the night. While Shah Rukh and Aamir posed alongside Sunny Deol after the party, Salman was not spotted with Sunny on the red carpet. Nevertheless, the Bollywood fraternity coming together to celebrate the success of Gadar 2 filled our filmy hearts with joy.

Kartik’s Party Companions

Kartik Aaryan also made headlines as he left the party in the company of his ex-girlfriend Sara Ali Khan and Kriti Sanon. A video that has gone viral captures a heartwarming moment where Kartik and Sara share a warm hug before heading to their respective cars.

Box Office Triumph

Gadar 2 has achieved phenomenal success at the box office, setting its sights on the coveted Rs 500 crore club. With Sunny Deol in the lead role, Gadar 2 stands as the second biggest blockbuster of the year, following Pathaan.

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