Starting from the academic year 2023-24, the Karnataka government has introduced significant changes to the student assessment system, aiming to enhance the learning experience and reduce stress among students. These changes include the implementation of Summative Assessment 2 for Class 9 students and annual examinations for Class 11 students.
Expanding Assessment Levels
Traditionally, the Karnataka board conducted yearly exams for students in classes 10 and 12, alongside assessment tests for students in classes 5 and 8. However, with the new changes, the board is expanding its assessment levels to include Class 9 and Class 11.
This expansion reflects a proactive approach to tracking students’ learning progress consistently across all levels of their education journey.
Addressing Student Concerns
One common concern among students has been the fear of detention if they fail a test. To address this, the school education department has taken steps to reassure students that failing a test will not lead to detention.
Question Paper Publication
The Karnataka State Quality Assessment and Accreditation Council (KSQAAC) will play a pivotal role in the new assessment system. According to the notification, KSQAAC will publish question papers for Class 9 Summative Assessment-2.
The Deputy Director of the School Education Department will compile these question papers at the state level, making them accessible to relevant field education officials. For Class 11, the question papers will be sent to the designated Deputy Director of Pre-University (DDPU).
The PU Examination Section of the Karnataka School Examination and Evaluation Board will be responsible for preparing the Class 11 Annual Examination question papers at the state level.
Evaluation Process
Unlike Class 10 and 12, where paper evaluation occurs centrally, the evaluation of papers for Class 9 and 11 yearly examinations will take place at the school and college levels, respectively. This decentralization aims to streamline the assessment process and reduce administrative burdens.
Results Tracking
After the assessments, the Head Masters and Principals will post the test results of the students on the “Students Achievement Tracking System (SATS)” portal, ensuring transparency and accessibility for both students and parents.
Supplementary Exams
The notification also specifies that if a student fails the annual Class 11 exam, a supplementary exam will be conducted at the relevant university/college level, providing students with an opportunity to improve their grades.
Streamlining Assessment
These changes mark a significant shift in Karnataka’s student assessment system. Last year, KSEAB introduced Class 5 and 8 yearly exams, and this year’s announcement further underscores the state’s commitment to streamlining assessments.
Additionally, the state recently announced the cancellation of SSLC and PUC Supplemental Exams. Instead, students will now participate in three annual exams, with the highest scores from all three contributing to their retention.
This holistic approach to assessment aims to promote a more comprehensive and stress-free learning experience for Karnataka’s students.
Karnataka, Student Assessment, Karnataka Board, Education Reform, Annual Examinations, Summative Assessment